Minor Tweaks

Well, just to set the record, nothing major has happened. This is a tiny update and I think it just matched the style more. I just changed the paths and updated the scripts. If you look at the older image (Very Left), the path looks really messy as the grass texture around it had to be rotated and it looked bad. If you look at the new path image(Middle), the path is a full tile. This style has less potential but it makes this task so much easier. If you want me to change it back, I might after launch. This is purely so I don't have to change it later in development and I can release the game faster.  Next update should be the demo release date. I might cancel the demo but it will hopefully come soon.

Thanks for reading, sorry for the wait on this game and check for more updates soon. Bye!



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I can tell my bad images will trigger someone! Sorry! I'm just saying, the path is not 3-D in game. It is 2-D. Thanks!